About Project Arts

Project Arts of Plymouth began as an idea born in the Pilgrim Path Coffeehouse. Christina Reverdy from the Yellow House Studio brought an eclectic group of friends together to explore the possibility of producing a few concerts on the waterfront during the 1996 summer season that would feature local, regional and national acts.

The original make-up of the committee consisted of Cris Reverdy (owner of the Yellow House Studio, artist, music lover), Lloyd Rosenberg (lawyer, acoustic guitarist, singer/songwriter), Dave Jackson (counselor, acoustic entertainment promoter, comedian, singer/songwriter), and Mike Landers (owner of Nightlife Music Company, a booking and promotion company, singer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalist with his band, T R A X).

The mix worked very well, with the 1st 13-show season's shows all free to the public, and the diversity and quality of the family entertainment was praised by all who attended.

As we enter the current summer season we can reflect on the many years of love for the gift of music and sharing with our friends. We continue to produce shows that are free to the public, in a beautiful setting, and an atmosphere that is relaxing for all who love the diversity of the music in our wonderful world. We have grown the breadth of our organization, the quality of our shows, and the numbers in attendance. We believe that our labor of love has produced a summer tradition that is anxiously awaited by all who attend. Thank you for your continued support.

Project Arts of Plymouth, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of the arts. We are funded entirely through the generous sponsorships from local businesses, and the support of our community, so please support the sponsors that support us!



